The REAL Problem with American Christianity | THE BIG RANT

December 24, 2023

In this episode, Andre discusses his struggles with American Christianity and his faith. Chris shares his experiences with the Catholic church.

No, this episode isn't about R.E.M. or Billy Joel, it's about Andre's issues with American Christianity and being associated with it through the practicing of his faith.

Chris, along for the ride as always, shares his thoughts, too, as someone who was raised in the Catholic church but left after high school because he didn't feel like the messaging aligned with the church's actions.

As usual, the conversation does dip into politics from time to time, with the religious right embracing Donald Trump despite all of his major red flags. But this conversation has a different tone than a lot of our previous episodes, so we hope you enjoy it.

(00:00:00) Israel and Palestine - The guys share their thoughts on the horrific scenes coming out of Israel and Gaza and the resulting black-and-white arguments being made, forcing people to choose a side.

(00:06:55) Losing My Religion? - Andre shares something he's been struggling with for some time now: being Catholic in America while also watching American Christianity embody everything his religion is against. He talks about the murder of George Floyd and the church's silence in the aftermath and how that became a tipping point for him.

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