We really like using Riverside.fm. I mean we really like it, but recently we have had a quality issue while recording and the only thing that has changed was me updating to MacOS Monterey.
We went from being able to record in 1080p to being forced to use 480p. Let me describe the issue and my quote, unquote solution.
The Recording Quality Issue Experienced with Riverside.fm
We noticed a slowdown/blur when getting ready to record and I did all the typical troubleshooting and none of it worked. The video on my end was bogus only Riverside.fm, but not other video applications (FaceTime, PhotoBooth, Zoom, and Google Meet). The only way to record the episode was setting the global recording setting to 480p. Uh what.
The Solution to the Riverside.fm Recording Quality Issue
I am not into hacks, nor do I know the technical cause or solution right now, but here is the fix. Before you start recording, while you are in your studio, open FaceTime or PhotoBooth and watch the issue disappear.
You will have to do this each time before recording, but it corrects the issue.
If you have experienced this issue and this works for you leave us a comment.